What are Wedding Photography Packages? A wedding photography package consists of a series of services, a photographer arranges in order to create a wedding album. Many couples hire wedding photography professionals to photograph their special day on one or several special days, with the professional photographer providing the artistic vision and all the other team bringing the usability. Such packages are arranged as per the convenience of the clients.
However, not every client wants to hire a renowned photographer for his wedding photography packages. Often, such photographers offer their services on a per photo basis. In this case, the package includes the fees for only the photography of the bride and groom. The rest of the wedding photography packages will be taken care by the photographers’ retainer fee. Some photographers also offer to take-over the entire package from the client.
Generally, wedding photography packages consist of a basic package, which comprise of wedding photography sessions on particular days, a set number of wedding portraits, and a set number of wedding photo albums. The packages are priced according to the number of sessions. The packages are offered for either one or multiple sessions. The prices of multiple session packages are usually lower than single-session ones. Many photographers offer the services of creating digital scrapbooks to hold the albums.
The major advantage of wedding photography packages is that the photographer is paid for his work, irrespective of whether the picture turns out to be a good one. If a client purchases several packages, then the total cost can be very high. This is where the online digital scrapbooking shops can be helpful. With digital scrapbooks, the clients can make unlimited numbers of prints of the same image, thus paying only for the duplicate copies of the same image. Thus, the total cost of printing the scrapbooks is lower than the cost of buying individual prints.
Another major advantage is that there is no need to visit the studios of the photographers as often in the past, people had to wait for their sessions. The modern trend is towards online booking of wedding photography packages. Most of the reputed online shops offer packages that contain multiple prints of the same image.
The wedding photography packages offered by the online shops are a boon for busy couples. The clients just have to make sure that they are selecting a reputed shop, which not only offers good packages, but also makes them easy to order. Online bookings are generally free, as the companies do not charge extra money for making the reservations. The websites also make them available to the clients immediately, through email. Thus, the clients can view the photos of their special day, without any hindrance, courtesy of these websites.